This open-source and free tool is designed as a separate application or from a Command Line Interface (CLI). It can help you become more productive while performing text editing and coding with thousands of Vim commands out there. However, the issue with Vim is that it is a bit difficult to learn with a wide variety of commands to memorize and use. As a result, writing or editing files can be challenging in Vim. But with a robust list of commands in a Vim cheat sheet by your side, it becomes easier to work with Vim. We have curated the list of the best Vim cheat sheets to help you save time, effort, and energy on working with text editing using Vim. Let’s review them! 👨‍💻 Consider this one if you are looking for a straightforward and effortless Vim cheat sheet that you can refer to when performing text editing. They have curated Vim commands divided into various categories such as global, cursor movement, and insert mode for inserting or appending text. It also has commands for editing, marking text, visual commands, registers, marks and positions, macros, cut & paste, indent text, exiting, search & replace, tabs, multiple files, and more. This is another great place to find Vim commands synthesized in a two-page document. It has practical ideas helpful for computer scientists and other professionals working with text-based graphical editing. Here, you will find Vim commands for navigation, mode switching, copying/pasting, editing, replacing, and searching. In addition, it includes some handy tricks and valuable resources not available on Google. From beginners to advanced, all professionals can use this Vim cheat sheet for text-editing. It has a list of useful Vim commands used commonly. In addition, the creator has also included some instructions to help you make the most out of Vim as it is easy without configuration. This cheat sheet has various essential Vim commands for cursor movement, editing text, operators, text marking, clipboard, exiting, and search/replace. It also has advanced commands for cursor movement, character search, visual mode, text editing, file tabs, visual mode, marks, and text objects. This site has almost every Vim command that you can use for various text editing tasks. It is helpful while moving within a file by characters, tokens, words, lines, or screens; inserting text, editing text, marking text, searching, exiting, saving, working with different files, marks and jumps, macros, and enabling color schemes in Vim. This cheat sheet is free to download, or you can bookmark it to revisit it when needed. CatsWhoCode: If you are a beginner, this Vim cheat sheet will be valuable to get into the basics of Vim and using commands for different tasks. It has Vim commands for moving inside a file, file search, cut, copy, paste, replace, case, file explorer, read & write files, interacting with Unix, tabs, and Windows; alignment, markers, auto-completion, Window splitting, abbreviations, syntax highlighting, and text-indent. They have represented all the information professionally using cool colors and easy-to-follow text. You can also find a table of contents to find what you are looking for right away. Minimalists looking for a helpful and straightforward Vim cheat sheet can make the most out of this site for text editing. The curator has represented the Vim commands boxed up under different categories to help you find the command you are looking for at a glance. It has Vim commands for how to exit, edit a file, insert a text, insert a file, delete a text, change or replace a text, perform substitutions, copy and move a text, undo/redo/repeat, move around, marks, search, select a text, suspend, and more. GitHub: Visit GitHub to find this great Vim cheat sheet with helpful commands and descriptions. It has 8 forks and 41 stars on GitHub. This cheat sheet has commands supported in VSCodeVim for Visual Studio Code by Microsoft. It starts with a quick introduction to Vim with commands, movements/nouns, modifiers, and targets to help you code. It also has other useful Vim commands, registers, and helpful notes. Make your coding life less overwhelming and use this Vim cheat sheet with 80 essential commands on it. It’s helpful for beginners and advanced coders. The creator has given some valuable insights for beginners, explaining Vim modes, command structure, editing, cut/copy/paste, search and replace, registers, tabs, and command mode. In addition, they have included some related content to help you more. QuickRef.ME: This site is a valuable collection of Vim quick references curated to help you understand Vim editor quickly. They have represented the information beautifully with some examples, cases, usage, and design. It has included motion diagrams and commands for movements, inserting, saving & exiting, normal mode, cut & paste, visual mode, repeating, macros, operators, text objects, multiple files, search and replace, Vimdiff, and more. Linuxhint: This site has a list of commonly used Vim commands with their functionalities represented in a clear, easy-to-read box with white background and headers highlighted in red. It has Vim commands for file management, navigation, switching modes, insert or append text, search & replace, cut, copy, paste, undo & redo, working with various files, setting line numbers, and visual mode commands.


Vim commands make text editing a lot easier and save you time recalling a command or searching it on the internet.  Use the Vim cheat sheets we just discussed to refer to them while text editing to speed up coding and increase your productivity multi-folds. Avoid these 9 things on your Developer or Sysadmin resume. Here are a few Linux commands to know for a Sysadmin.