IoT-powered buildings use less energy, allowing people who care about the environment to make the best decisions. It’s true that Deloitte has done a survey and says that the Asia Pacific region is going to invest in smart building projects. It says that by 2050, 90% of emissions from cities can be cut. It’s because more people are moving to cities and more green and sustainable spaces are built. In the future, the number of people will grow even more. Why not? The whole infrastructure has changed since IoT-based technology and automation came into existence. IoT is one of the best technologies because it makes connecting buildings at a low cost. Some businesses still think it’s a waste of money to pay for things like this because they don’t know how to use it to get the results they want. So, let’s look into this more:

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

The Internet of Things is a group of sensors, detectors, devices, and other tools that send and receive data. In other words, IoT is a network of computers, mechanical and digital machines, and other devices that are all linked together. It can share the data without being touched by humans. IoT has the power to evolve a lot of industries. It is used in modern building processes to save money, be more flexible, and make maintenance easier. It is now having a positive effect on smart building automation and power. IoT has many benefits for building automation, including more efficient power use, better operational efficiency, and predictive resources. It also impacts business planning developments, the innovation of building production data.

Why is the traditional BMS not robust?

It doesn’t matter how vital the traditional building management system (BMS) is. Today’s rapid technological changes are making it less valuable. Wired building automation networks run out of space and time to deliver enough and timely building data in the digital age. Except for a few thermostats, controllers, and air conditioning and ventilation (HVAC) equipment, most traditional BMS can’t grow with the need for granular feedback sensors and new features. As a result, changes and variations in the indoor climate at different building parts are often not considered when regulating the heating and air conditioning. In large-scale facilities, this leads to a lot of energy wastes. Also, many existing BMS don’t show power consumption data for more than the whole property. So, even if you could figure out usage irregularities on a building level, it would be hard to determine what caused them. Beyond HVAC control and lighting automation, safety and fire security systems are becoming more common in buildings to make them more functional. There are still a lot of methods that don’t talk to each other or the central BMS. Even with open protocols, changing or expanding the wiring infrastructure is costly and time-consuming, making BMS integration projects difficult. Changing or developing the wiring infrastructure is expensive and time-consuming, even with open protocols.

Smart building is the future!

The IoT has become more popular in the last few years because market research says that 7 billion IoT devices are currently in use. Businesses know that IoT and Artificial Intelligence can cut costs and enhance operational efficiency, so they want to use this technology in their buildings. According to Memoori Research, by the end of 2017, the global market for IoT in buildings will be worth $34.8 billion. By the last quarter of 2022, it will be worth $84.2 billion. Many businesses have cut back on their energy use by 30% to 50%. The facility managers can react to changes in the environment and predict possible discrepancies. In this way, it makes building management systems smarter. A connected building is what we’ll see in a few years.

How does IoT help in smart building?

One traditional building might have a simple set of environmental settings connected to a network inside. It is controlled by sensors, such as heating or cooling valves and instruments that tell the network how to work. They connect to the building’s IT infrastructure to share information or protect it from cyberattacks. Most of the time, these integrations are at the top or front of the system controllers and the network. As a result, the building automation network is at risk because the IT level doesn’t ensure safety. So, many devices aren’t connected to the IT network or exposed. Here IoT devices come into the picture.

IoT devices

Things are called “IoT-enabled” when they work with an IoT protocol. MQ and REST APIs must use to connect with it. The protocol makes sure that the IoT system and the device that collects information speak the same language. There is a strong chance that the device is interacting with information hubs in the cloud. Connecting these applications to the IoT hub will make sharing data more quickly. It can also share the data with a lot of different business processes. An IoT-related occupancy sensor looks at office use across a group of buildings.

Impact of IoT on building automation system

In the business automation field, there are many reasons why IoT is having an impact on it. Let’s see that now.

Perfect building comprehension

It isn’t always easy for Building Automation Systems (BAS) to keep up with trends and make the best use of sensor data. The IoT’s main cloud-computing design adds a layer of intelligence to the BAS, making it excellent. An IoT system can get data from an existing BAS, IoT sensors, and unconnected devices and put it together in the cloud. Dashboards that show high-level designs, updates, and information that can help make automated and essential decisions are called real-time dashboards. The Internet of Things (IoT) integrates ERPs, asset control, and predictive analytics tools.

Energy efficiency

People who live in low-efficiency buildings may overuse or waste energy resources, costing more money to run. On the other hand, Green buildings try to keep waste to a least and ensure energy use efficiently. Because IoT technology is so smart, it automatically turns off unnecessary systems in rooms that aren’t being used. This saves a lot of energy. How? The real-time granular IoT sensors installed in specific places can see where they are. It helps facility managers use these insights to develop ways to save energy.

Tenant convenience and retention

The use of IoT in buildings gives them a strategic advantage, which leads to higher rental and mortgage rates and better reviews from residents and tenants who live there. IoT may allow buildings to use energy based on how their occupants move around, saving energy. Heating and lighting can change based on what people want and feel. In the future, the IoT will override typical BAS systems. This will make tenants happier and keep them in the building for a long time.

Strong monitoring and support

Buildings must make sure that their essential structures and other facilities work as well as possible while ensuring that all customer service issues are dealt with. IoT gives the building’s systems the information they need to work well. There is a chance that the Internet of Things will show sensor data from many different sources together. There is a way to keep track of all other facilities from a single place.

Robust connectivity

Buildings are starting to connect to the Internet of Things (IoT). It’s becoming more common to use system-level analysis and prediction together. It is being used by businesses that offer fault detection and diagnostic tools for power service companies and other businesses. When AI algorithms access building data, they can solve more complex structures in more critical institutional buildings. Human operators can’t figure out what’s wrong with a building by using algorithms to look for building data from facilities. For example, IoT provides useful visualizations for facility operations and support staff at least once a week. It is done by looking at vast amounts of data and using machine learning techniques to identify patterns, predict problems, and plan for them.

Effective waste management

It will be easier to manage waste in a building if smart waste containers have sensors to tell how much waste is in each one. Using IoT, garbage cans will send this information to the Internet of Things, immediately directing waste disposal trucks to the garbage can. The Basic Waste Management System will change into an integrated system based on real-time data. This will lead to a much better overall process.

Better security

Putting automation in the building’s systems can be a security risk. There is a good thing: IoT building automation evolves enough to improve the building’s security systems. Every sensor and device link together to keep an eye on things all day and all night. If there is a difference, they will tell the management to act quickly.

Overall facility management

The use of an IoT for smart building automation goes far beyond simple things like controlling your heating and lighting. The benefits go far beyond these. Wireless sensors give building owners a new level of insight into how their properties work. It shows how their facilities and equipment work to manage waste, security, and fire safety. For example, water leak detectors can alert you to early-stage pipe failures. It allows you to shut off a valve quickly, so you don’t have to deal with a lot of water damage. Temperature and vibration data from critical assets can also show if problems need to fix right away. If your building is more than a few decades old, sensors measure inclination, vibration, cracks formation. Humidity exposure and advanced analytics algorithms can help you check and keep an eye on its structural integrity.

Air quality management

People who work in the building need to ensure good air quality because it affects their health and safety at work. There are IoT sensors that check CO2 levels and other air quality metrics. They connect the building that monitors the air levels in every building corner. IoT also improves the BMS, storing information about distributed assets and different building functions. This way, workflows can be done automatically, and operational efficiency can reach its highest point.

Reduce Cost

IoT-enabled buildings will keep track of how much energy they use. They will be able to change their operations to save money. IoT is vital for building operational processes since it connects and collaborates with all the different devices in the building. Every move and piece of information watch the correct data gatherers ensure it is accurate and relevant. An IoT product cuts down on the time required to fix maintenance issues, saving money. Remote control means that customers get alerts when problems with their service. This improves the customer service experience.

A new way for revenue generation

Having a lot of IoT data can help property owners find new data-based ways to make money. The more you know about tenants, the better you can make smart decisions. They might also need to know how they use their utilities and office space. This allows them to find problems, improve their next leasing plan, and change office layouts to fulfill changing work patterns. Data about how many people are on the floor simultaneously can help store tenants enhance their offerings during busy times. Those who own homes can use IoT data to return many new service ideas.

The bottom line

Precision in the design of buildings helps speed up procedures, enhance building management, and keep people safe. Smart building automation begins with a well-thought-out plan for installing and setting up the technology. Don’t expect significant changes right away. Start with one fixture or unit on one floor and work your way up. To start, choose areas where you will get a quick return on your investment, then start using more. In the beginning, it could be a remote sensor that connects to an extant meter and sends data. Facility staff can get used to and understand the data easier if they start with a few devices. Evaluate the next step based on your information and the kind of information you want to get. Step IoT isn’t on something buildings, and network hardware does. The solution is to build layers of knowledge and make multiple discoveries. You can see the data at the level of the sensors in the building. There is a way for Artificial Intelligence to get information from many different buildings at once. Thanks to the Internet of Things, BAS functions are getting better, which means more energy efficiency, better tenant interactions, and new ideas. You may also be interested in knowing how to prevent IoT issues and how to stay safe in the era of IoT.