Configuring fast loading and secure WordPress is always challenging. It requires excellent skills and effort. Thanks to Kinsta, a modern, fully managed WordPress hosting approach where you can take advantage of all the latest speed and security technologies without spending big bucks and time. Wondering, what is Kinsta? Kinsta is a premium hosting provider, powered by Google Cloud Platform infrastructure to provide the best hosting experience ever with friendly support. Let’s explore some of the advanced features Kinsta offer.

Cutting-edge Technologies

If you want to beat your competitor, then you got to stand out in the crowd. Slow loading site doesn’t just affect the sales but also SEO and overall user experience. Nobody likes slow loading web pages. Performance Matters! Kinsta is powered by some of the following best performance-oriented technologies to deliver an optimal experience. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) – host with the best in the industry. A premium low-latency reliable network with a scalable infrastructure to accommodate small to enterprise-level of web applications, sites, etc. LEMP Stack – your WordPress site will be running on Linux container, Nginx, MariaDB & PHP 7/8. Using the latest version of tech stacks is essential as it helps in performance and improved security. Ex: PHP 7 is twice faster than Php 5 for WordPress. Don’t worry about keeping track of the latest version of technologies and upgrading it, Kinsta does it for you. Content Delivery Network (CDN) – don’t bother about paying an additional bill to the CDN provider. Kinsta is tightly integrated with Cloudflare to provide FREE bandwidth in each plan. Cloudflare got many performance advantages, such as:

Reduce time to first byte (TTFB) Compression on the fly HTTP/2  and HTTP/3 for a parallel content push over a single TCP connection Serve the request from the user’s nearest location

Powerful Caching – A powerful server-side caching is implemented to provide full-page & object caching to serve the requested content faster. Kinsta cache plugin is installed by default with WordPress to give you control to purge the cache whenever you want.

Multiple Datacenter locations

Don’t settle for hosting anywhere in North America, Europe or Asia instead go as close as your users. Multiple strategic locations in each region give you a choice to choose the hosting location near your customers.

Hack-Proof Security

Thousands of sites get hacked every day due to misconfiguration and not hardened server properly. But you don’t worry about them as multiple layers of security are provided in every hosting plan.

DDoS detection Malware scanning Hardware firewall Two-factor authentication for Kinsta admin

You can also enable HTTPS (TLS Certificate) for your website with just one click. There are two options.

Backup is your friend!

When nothing works, backup helps. Sometimes it’s easier to restore the website from the backup. It’s faster! Kinsta offers daily backup automatically and retains for 14 days. If needed, you can directly restore from their admin panel to the live site. Taking a backup on-demand is possible too.

Continuous Monitoring

Managed WordPress site is checked every 60 seconds for uptime, so if something goes wrong, you know the first and take necessary action. Kinsta also integrates tightly with New Relic for advanced performance monitoring. If you are troubleshooting performance-related problems, then this will be handy. New Relic can be enabled right from the dashboard.


One of the advantages of using containers is hardware resources are allocated as and when needed. This enables to scale up or down based on the traffic. No more worry about capacity planning, always ready for unexpected traffic.

Administrator/Developer friendly

Take control of your server infrastructure, code, database, etc. One of the common questions asked about managed hosting is about getting server resources access. The answer is yes, with Kinsta. SSH/SFTP – connect to your server using SSH or SFTP. Database – access your WordPress database using phpMyAdmin. Staging environment – create a replica of your website to play around, test plugin, theme, modifications, and once satisfied, then push the changes to production with just one click. PHP management – want to change the PHP versions or restart? It’s possible. As you can see above, Kinsta supports PHP 8 as well.

Detailed Analytics

Why go through the lengthy web server logs to analyze the metrics? Instead, view them on the dashboard.

Bandwidth usage Visitors Top requests by bytes/visits PHP throughput Average PHP + MySQL response time Visit by desktop vs. mobile Response code breakdown Cache, Geo analysis

Having the right metrics will help to optimize the site for better performance. Ex, you can quickly find out if there is any database or PHP slow response while debugging site slowness issues. Read more about Kinsta Analytics here.

Beautiful Site Management Dashboard

A new MyKinsta dashboard lets you do everything you need to manage a WordPress site. It got more options than cPanel & Plesk. It’s fast!

Expert Support

Kinsta support is available 24×7 for any issues you have with your site. The good thing about support is all of them is a developer, administrator, so they know in and out and can help to fix the issues faster. You can report an issue or ask questions directly from the dashboard over the intercom chat system. No more waiting for an email reply or checking the case status. Much easy, isn’t it? How does Kinsta look to you so far? Let’s take a look at some more exciting features.

Migrate your WordPress in FREE

I know changing the WordPress hosting can be a pain when things go wrong. However, when you go for a PRO or higher plan, you can get the FREE migration. Migrating hosting won’t have any downtime to your site. It will be planned in such a way that users don’t experience service disruption and handled by experienced professionals.

Who uses Kinsta?

Thousands of customers around the globe trust Kinsta, and they have noticed a significant improvement in page load time and reduced cost. Ex:

aThemes decreased load time by 50% Superluchas reduced the bill by 70%

Some of the known brands with Kinta are Intuit, Ricoh, GE, Workforce, Ubisoft, Valicor, etc.

Visitor-based Pricing

Pay as you grow your business. You can get it started from as low as $35 per month and scale when needed. It’s for everyone! For a professional blogger, eCommerce store owner, corporate blogger, company website, start-up to enterprise level. Kinsta is enterprise and WooCommerce ready.


Kinsta is fast (test results) looks promising to me with all the modern technologies and is focused on providing the best hosting and support. If you are serious about the speed & security of your WordPress site, then you must give it a try Kinsta. They offer a flexible refund policy.

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