Following instructions to guide you on how to install WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 8.5.5 Network Deployment on Linux 64 bit. We will use IBM Installation Manager to install WAS 8.5.5 ND. For Windows installation, you can refer “WAS ND 8.5.5. Installation Guide for Windows” There are four sections in this articles.

Downloading IBM Installation Manager

You can download latest IBM Installation Manager 1.7 from the following link

Or direct link

After download, you should have

Installing IBM Installation Manager

Extract the downloaded file using unzip command

Execute ./install to start installation Click on Next Select the license agreement and click Next Select the Installation Manager Directory to be installed. You can leave it to default if you wish to install under /opt/IBM Review the summary information and click on Install to begin installation Click on Restart Installation Manager on completion wizard

Great, IBM Installation Manager 1.7 is installed now!

Downloading IBM WAS 8.5.5 ND

You can download WAS ND 8.5.5 Trial from the following link

After download, you should have following three files.

Installing WAS 8.5.5 Network Deployment

Extract the downloaded file using unzip command

Launch IBM Installation Manager if you have closed already. To launch you can go to /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse and execute

Click on File » Preferences Click on Add Repository Click on Browse and select repository.config which you got after extracting from Click on Ok Click on Install Select Version and click on Next Select the license agreement and click Next Click on browse to select Installation Directory, or you can leave it to default location /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer and click on Next Select the additional language if you wish else click on Next You can customize the features, for ex: you can install sample applications and click on Next Review the installation summary and click on Install Select None and click on Finish

That’s all! You just installed WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 Network Deployment. You see it’s not that complex, but you should be aware of the procedure.