From small to big businesses, everyone is defining Video marketing strategies for branding themselves over digital platforms. If to talk about the success rate of employing videos in the marketing plan, the outcome is incredibly good. Marketers & businesses agreed that Videos’ are yielding both engagement & ROI to them. Following Renderforest Survey, with videos,

78% of the users achieved more traffic to their website.71% experienced an increase in the average time spent on their site.69% of users get the benefit of generating more leads than before.54% of users experienced a hike in their sales.

Isn’t the outcome surprising? If it seems a new thought to you– this article will help you to unfold the concept, benefits, and ways for creating a video marketing strategy for your business.

What is Video Marketing?

It is an online marketing technique to promote your brand, products, or services with videos that convey the right message to your audience. The aim of using this technique is to improve your branding, achieve good customer engagement, and ultimately close a good number of Sales. If we closely look at this concept, then it was never new to us. We’ve all come across those TV ads amid our favorite shows. What are they meant for? Through those ads, the brands aim to advertise their products & services in the way of a well-defined performance. They aim to attract potential buyers through a medium of video advertising. And we would all agree that those TV ads influence us to make a purchase compared to newspaper or radio ads. Video marketing dominates other forms of digital marketing. Let’s see the reason behind it.

Why is Video Marketing so Effective?

Before I begin mentioning the reasons that favor video marketing, I’ve got a question for you. If at this moment, you wish to explore some information or want to understand something minutely- Which online platform will you initially look for? “YoutTube” (without a second thought..) Well, everyone will. From taking updates about what’s going on in the world, to begin with, coding, checking expert reviews on the latest smartphones to try out new food recipes, DIY makeup & hairstyle tips to learn your ideal dance style… and to everything, YouTube has got you covered to expand your knowledge in any area. You might be surprised to know that according to the statistics, YouTube is the most demandable social media platform, among other choices. If to talk about the figures, then 1 billion hours of content is watched on Youtube every day. This video platform attracts 44% of total internet users. It has approx. 2 billion monthly active users. 60% of people prefer YouTube to watch content rather than TV. Again the Question comes…

Why Do People Prefer Videos over other forms of Content?                                             

Before I come to the marketing factors, I would like to shed some light on this concept considering the scientific perspective.

Scientific viewpoint behind videos

The human brain undertakes visuals efficiently as compared to text. Scientific research has proven that our brain acknowledges visual language more conveniently. 90% of the information transmitted to our brain is through visuals. An interesting fact is that our brain processes images or visuals 60,000 times faster than text. (Even you can easily recall the story of a movie that you had watched two years back, but it seems harder to call back the information that you must have read in the newspaper this morning… isn’t it true?) Quick Tip – So, from a marketing perspective incorporating business videos will be memorable to your users and sure to improve the chances of them recalling your brand often.

Benefits of Video Marketing for Businesses

Let’s turn back to the topic and discuss video marketing advantages here:

Google ❤️ videos

The ultimate aim of any online marketing strategy is to introduce your brand to people over the Internet (so that they would come to know that you’re existing). The best way to come one-to-one with your audience is through the biggest search engine, Google. Google loves featuring well-optimized videos on its top search results. If a few things are taken care of optimizing your videos, it must prove to be a hit shot for you. Other than placing videos over your website, if the same would simultaneously be added to YouTube (the second biggest search engine) and other social media platforms, then there are high chances of them appearing on the top Google results. The top searches will directly influence a positive hike in website traffic and create effective brand awareness among your audience. It will simultaneously increase the average time spent by users on your site and benefit you in accomplishing your ultimate goal of achieving maximal sales.

Better engagement 🤝

Videos are a quick & perfect aid to telling your audience about your brand. You can introduce your brand to people with a short video that can have a more prolonged impact on them. Instead of them checking the introduction section of your website to know about you    (.. that no one is usually interested in doing). Video advertising is benevolent to both a product or service-based business. People prefer getting the details of a product or service in an easy-to-process presentation to a longer form of text. Thus, a short video is a perfect aid to get the attention of potential buyers. Alongside sharing some informative videos about your upcoming product launches or sometimes just a quick query or discussion session on your services can help build a good customer base and creates a foundation of trust for them your brand.

Connects to your target audience 👪

How to Reach your target audience is the biggest challenge that most businesses are facing today. Until you do not meet the right potential customers for yourself, how will the process of sales starts for you? Video marketing can be a straightforward way to reach the right audience. Amazed? Know how it works… If you are showcasing the right products & services through videos that they are looking for, half the battle is already won. The target audience is the people who you can target for pitching your products. Or in other words, these are the people who are in some way or the other have an interest in the same products & services that you offer. A well-researched and strategized video can help provide the desired solution to their problems. But, to get it done rightly, you need to undertake extensive research, closely understand their problems, and come up with the perfect solution that tackles their needs most appropriately. This way, you can build an instant connection with your audience. If you are using an explanatory video to give the right solution to your audience through your products/services, you are sure to grab their quick attention. Quick tip – To make your video marketing effort more successful, try to incorporate some expert characters in your video to give the best solutions to the potential customers by understanding their problems. Before customer experiences or their reviews for your products, if added to videos, it will make it more credible.

Improves visibility 👁️ of your brand

The more you’re visible to buyers, the more they will reach you. To ensure the success of a brand, one must have to focus on the marketing, advertising, retargeting, and promotional aspect positively. Good brand visibility doubles the chances of your profit. Videos, if taken into consideration, can be a full-fledged marketing tool for your brand. Whether you prefer any type of video strategy, be it informative videos, product-based videos, reviews, explanatory videos, or one-to-one discussion sessions with customers. It is sure to impact your potential buyers to get an edge about your services and an interest in knowing more about your brand. Quick tip – To improve your brand’s visibility promptly and to reach the right audience quickly, start posting videos on social media platforms. Social media is a powerful tool. With 3.8 billion users worldwide, the number is increasing every day. People here are looking for the right solution for their problems, which your video can answer well. For this strategy to work well, invest your time in evaluating which is the right social media platform as per the nature of your business. Then, only you’ll be able to reach the right audience in no time. Another benefit you’ll be getting from these social media is that your customers or followers will also share the videos that they like, either to their wall or with their network. This eventually helps in increasing your network, followers & brand visibility organically. That’s a win-win situation!

Videos improve conversions & sales. 💰

Videos can dramatically improve your conversion rates and sales. A website that doesn’t use videos is lacking conversion. A site without videos has an average conversion rate of 2.9%. Contrary to this, websites with videos vary in conversion rates with an impressive figure of approx. 4.8%. 65-84% of buyers are more likely to make an online purchase after watching a demo product video. The video gives users a quick view of the product or service in real-time. Together with explaining a few basic doubts related to it that may be in their mind, it would be a great tip. Despite it, to ensure the success of your video marketing strategy, add a significant call-to-action (CTA) to your videos. Suitably CTA can bring a huge impact on conversions and, ultimately, in achieving sales. I am sure the pointers above are enough to convince you to opt for Video Marketing.

Video marketing recommendations

Video marketing is a vast umbrella where you can find numerous options to feature your content. Acknowledging the nature of your business and evaluating the problems of your target audience, one can pick the right video content marketing strategy to proffer the best solution to the audience and the long-term way to engage with them. To simplify your choices, I am sharing a few video recommendations for you to choose from.

Product demo – own a product-based business? Give a quick explanation of your products in progress. Let them know what you’re offering and how it can benefit them.Promotional – launching a special offer on your products or services, promote it with a video.Informative – tackle user’s problems by sharing ideas & experiences related to their problems. (You’ll be amazed to know that blogs or articles can also be converted into the form of videos. This will save your time & marketing efforts. Check this article to know how it can be done)Brand introductory – educate them about who you are, what you offer, and how you’re unique. Let them know your strengths.Case study – define the value of your products or services with a case study video. Showcase the benefits that other customers have got in partnership with you.Testimonials – highlight real-time customers’ experiences and ideas about using your products.

One can go as creative as one can to stand out from the crowd.


The video seems to be the future of communication. To reach your target audience, video marketing is a must to have strategy, to be in your bag of online marketing weapons. With more and more businesses getting digital, it will be harder to stand firmly without a planned approach. If you have yet not started with video, this is the right time to incorporate video marketing as one of the techniques to promote your brand online. If you decide to go with YouTube, then you must check out VidIQ to supercharge your videos.

Why Video Marketing is Important to Your Business  - 79Why Video Marketing is Important to Your Business  - 10Why Video Marketing is Important to Your Business  - 48Why Video Marketing is Important to Your Business  - 54Why Video Marketing is Important to Your Business  - 24Why Video Marketing is Important to Your Business  - 31Why Video Marketing is Important to Your Business  - 61